
强强联手║ TRANOÏ 首次登陆 Ontimeshow 2019AW




一直以来,Ontimeshow 始终都保持着开放之心,旨在与国际市场接轨,积极引入具有竞争力的国际品牌,进一步提升展会的综合水准。如今在第十季之际,Ontimeshow 首次与超过20年历史、法国最大的巴黎时装商贸展 TRANOÏ 达成战略合作,对向国际化靠拢又迈出战略性的一大步。而且本季 Ontimeshow,也是 TRANOÏ 在上海的第一次亮相。

— 关于TRANOÏ   —

TRANOÏ  是世界时尚聚集地:以时尚装置、时装秀、派对和各种活动为特色,提供时尚、美容、设计和生活方式各种产品。TRANOÏ 不仅仅是商业展会,它还是时尚界持续不断的灵感来源。其独特的抱负——展现一种迷人的、多感官的创意体验。现在已经在60多个国家的中实现:使其成为世界上最多元化和真正的国际时装贸易展之一。

TRANOÏ has been the leading B-to-B event at Paris Fashion Week since 1998. Four times a year during the Paris fashion calendar, TRANOÏ fashion events take place in prestigious venues and help to establish connections between high-end retailers and innovative designers via curated tradeshows.

— 品 牌 概 览 —


ARTHUR AVELLANO 以乳胶创作为标志性风格。他的面料和独特的设计挑战着既有的世俗标准。通过与专业的实验室合作开发独特的材料,将创新纺织研究融入品牌创意。具有与皮革相似的特性的一种混和乳胶,但与其不同的是保留了其纹理及拥有独特的光泽与反射。

In 2016, ARTHUR AVELLANO created his workshop and launched his eponymous brand. He mainly works with latex to create his signature style collections, challenging norms with his choice of fabrics and unique designs. His collections convey sexual connotations which carry a touch of insolence. 


AVANT TOI 品牌成立于1994年,隶属于 Liapull 集团,旨在满足不断变化的市场需求。Mirko Ghignone 20年来的创新及努力成就了现在的成功。以艺术世界与美学的紧密联系为特点,将自己的创作能量运用到纱线和针织品上。AVANT TOI 的品牌核心概念是打破风格和审美的标准。在经典的精致概念与和旧有的魅力之间架起了一座与传统羊绒世界习俗全然相反的一座桥梁。

AVANT TOI was founded in 1994 within the Liapull group to satisfy the needs of a demanding and ever-changing market. The creative endeavor of Mirko Ghignone now celebrates 20 years of passion and success.


Abstract 成立于2014年,第一个系列是由科莫工匠所制作的丝巾。其中最大的挑战在于意大利的传统工艺与当代编织技术的结合,尝试使用不同的织品技术,并对成品进行处理。从每一条围巾的制作,每一个标签的标示到每一个包装都是在科莫湖地区的认证公司制造完成。

Abstract was born in 2014 with the first collection of silk scarves made by artisans in Como. The challenge is matching Italian historical craftsmanship with contemporary weaving technology, experimenting with unusual techniques and product finishing on fabrics. Each scarf, each label, each packaging is made in certified companies around Como Lake Area where textile is not just a work, but a passion handed down from generation to generation. 


HARRIS WHARF LONDON 是一个旨在重新演绎衣柜经典单品的品牌。总部设在伦敦,于都灵生产,HARRIS WHARF LONDON 拥有极具优雅色调及大胆明亮的男女系列服饰。该品牌主打的外套采用了毛边和无衬里的针织剪裁,在传统的剪裁及轮廓的基础下提供了现代及舒适的穿着体验。

HARRIS WHARF LONDON is a contemporary brand that reimagines classic wardrobe staples. Based in London but produced in Turin, the label creates men's and women's collections in a range of elegant subdued hues as well as in bold bright colours. The brand's core outerwear line features raw edged and unlined jersey tailoring, offering a contemporary, effortless take on traditional cuts and shapes.


JORGE MORALES 的设计师1964年4月13日出生在古巴的拉哈瓦那,并于1970年移居西班牙。在西班牙马德里皮亚蒙特的一家饰品店工作后,作为买家和Biba杂志时尚助理,因缘际会之下开启了对珠宝的兴趣。品牌的设计作品精致优雅,让珠宝不再是地位的象征,而成为人与人之间离散与亲密的情感交集。

What I intend to do with my own brand JORGE MORALES is to create delicate, subtle, and elegant pieces that don't serve as status symbols, and instead focus completely on representing the discrete and intimate feelings of the people.


LE FLOW PARIS 是一家成立于2016年的巴黎鞋履品牌。旨在运动服饰与艺术之间创造完美的平衡。受高谷明仁绘画的启发,LE FLOW PARIS 创造了一种特殊技术,将颜料注入鞋底。油漆会随机在橡胶中流动,使得每只鞋都将独一无二与众不同。这项技术已成为品牌代表性的标志之一。

LE FLOW PARIS is a Parisian footwear brand founded in 2016. The French labels aims to create the perfect balance between sportswear and art. Inspired by the paintings of Akihito Takuma, LE FLOW PARIS has created a special technique of injecting paint into the soles. 



The year was 1949, and a courageous businessman in Prato, Tuscany, was experimenting with the use of noble yarns to create precious fabrics. His name was Faliero Sarti, and his know-how has allowed the company to soar to a highly acclaimed position in the fashion world. He left behind an important legacy that is now carried on by his niece Monica, the third generation in his family. She has continued to develop this legacy while still preserving it in its entirety, thanks to a new universe of scarves which are extremely light on the body, soft to the touch, and full of meanings and flavours. 


ROBERTO COLLINA 作为家族企业于1953年在博洛尼亚附近成立,品牌从一开始就致力于高端定位,其特色在于精选优质材料和高档纱线的使用,从马海毛到开司米、从羊驼绒到安哥拉兔毛、从驼毛到超轻的美利奴、从丝绸到冰棉。品牌始终尊重手工制作的原创,同时把握最新的时尚潮流。

Roberto Collina’s company started as a family business in 1953. Sine the beginning it has been aimed towards high-end stores, and the brand distinguishes itself through its fine selection of quality materials and the use of luxury yarns – from mohair to cashmere, alpaca to angora, camel to super light merinos, and silk to ice cotton. It has always respected its hand-crafted origins and explores the latest fashion trends from season to season.


BMUET(TE) 2016年由设计师 Byungmun Seo 和 Jina Um 建立,是一个有着鲜明个性的成衣设计师品牌。BMUET(TE) 对物品的新型研究有着深入思考,并力图打破固有的规则和僵化的思想。通过实验性尝试和创造性轮廓,打造了一种突破常规、跳脱舒适圈的新美学。 

BMUET(TE) is ready-to-wear designer label with a distinctive twist established in 2016 by the designer duo Byungmun Seo and Jina Um. BMUET(TE) contemplates new research of objects and breaks existing rules and preconceived ideas. We create new beauty that goes beyond the limits of conventional ideas and constantly experiments with innovative silhouettes. 


INÈS & MARÉCHAL  始于2000年,是由德国设计师 Inès Maréchal 和巴黎皮货商Alain Maréchal 共同创立的法国奢侈时尚品牌。INÈS & MARÉCHAL 作为奢侈皮毛业内的模范标杆,它总能发掘现代与传统、设计性与功能性、创造性和艺术感之间的细节美感。

INÈS & MARÉCHAL  is a French luxury fashion brand founded by German Designer Inès Maréchal and Parisian furrier Alain Maréchal in 2000. Introducing the exemplification for luxury fur, Inès & Maréchal can always find the beautiful intersections between modernity and tradition, design and function, innovation and artistry. 


PROJEKT PRODUKT 旨在让每个人都能在快速变化的时尚潮流中找到属于他们自己的风格。品牌设计师从缪斯和艺术家们身上提取灵感,PROJEKT PRODUKT 的每一个系列都有一个特别的主题。

PROJEKT PRODUKT is an eyewear brand founded by optometrists and designers that incorporates both sets of philosophies and sensitivities, which lets everyone find their own styles among fast-changing fashion trends. Inspiration from different muses and artists helps suggest new directions into the development of fashionable eyewear in every collection. 


建立与于2015年的女装品牌 CONNESSE,将东方元素、现代奢侈品与传统手工艺品相结合,旨在为时尚女性服务。该品牌是香港设计师 Allan Chiu 和上海设计师Hua Yi 合作创立。他们在2002年首次相遇,发布了第一个女装成衣品牌 ACROSIER,并在中国与东南亚市场取得了成功。在2013、2014年,他们的合作又更进一步,先后发布了 SE VETIR DE ACR 和 CHAPTER À 品牌。

Established in 2015, CONNESSE is a women’s ready-to-wear brand of combining Eastern elements, modern luxury, and traditional craftsmanship. CONNESSE is aimed at serving fashionable women. 


受希腊神话启发,探寻时尚的起源,MYTH OPTICAL 曾推出一个以希腊神话中的奥林匹斯山之神的名字命名的系列,每一件单品都讲述者一个有关个性与人生的故事。选择一副镜框,就是在选择一种属于你的身份。眼镜不仅是一个配饰单品,更是个性化身份的表达。

MYTH is inspired by Greek Mythology and its collection was named under the Gods on Mount Olympus, with each piece a statement of a character and telling a lifelong story. To choose a frame is to choose an identity. We are trying to use Myth Optical to let the crowd appreciate themselves without the need of approval from society, because eyewear is not merely an accessory, but a statement of personal identity.


GOTI 感知着具有生命力的物品,通过重新组建那些不同廓形的材料,描绘着那些被人遗忘的情感。这就像一个假想中的旧盒子——与珍贵的物品一起,被时间珍藏;在这个盒子中,任何东西都创造着梦。

Feeling the object alive, assembling shapes and essential materials that melt into a new spirit with the will of expressing forgotten emotions. It’s like a hypothetical old box, hidden by the time with memories and precious objects, where everything generates dreams.


回归初心、追溯本源。PIERRE LOUIS MASCIA 的设计师原为平面设计师。品牌产品线涉及配饰到家居,再到成熟的男女装系列,该品牌不盲从潮流,强调通过印花建立坚实的品牌意识。PIERRE LOUIS MASCIA 回归绘画的本源。设计师认为,绘画能够帮助人成长,并将你从繁杂的世界中抽离出来,回到一个真实而立体的世界。

Going back to the roots and building on solid foundation seem like a good plan. 
The House of Patterns is steadily evolving into a world of collectibles, from accessories to homewear to a complete womenswear and menswear collection, without following the trends but building a solid brand awareness with a DNA based on prints. 


ALTO MILANO 建立于2006年,从分展示了经典而不可复制的“意大利制造”的文化、传统价值,以及优秀的设计与质量。ALTO MILANO 同时提供男女款式,旨在使品牌超越“配饰”一词,成为时尚的完美补充。ALTO MILANO 的袜子100%由意大利 FACENTI 制造。

ALTO MILANO was born in 2006, a collection which expresses the values of the culture, tradition, design and quality of the typical and inimitable  'Made in Italy'. Alto Milano proposes a range of products for both men and women, aiming to be considered a fashion complement and not an accessory. Alto Milano socks are 100% made in Italy by FACENTI.


从复杂的廓形,到富有文化深度的灵感来源, LUEM 鼓励独立思想的表达,并通过其感性而温柔的美学,为女性提供力量。作为一个新成立于上海的奢侈女装品牌,其核心特点便是从专注于利落剪裁与面料细节的女性视角,推广不受时间限制的新型经典。从各个时代的文化借鉴元素,并将之与高质量的面料和时尚的剪裁相结合。

As a newly established luxury womenswear label founded in Shanghai, the brand's core signature promotes timelessness and re-inventing classics with a female gaze focusing on sleek cuts and textile details. By borrowing artistic elements from cultures of all eras and combining them with quality fabrics and modern cuts.


两位设计师 Tina Pierre 和 Thomas Bellego 就读于巴黎时装公会学校期间,初次见面的创意迸发让他们走近彼此。在他们分别在Berluti、Carven、Peclers和Chanel等工作后,他们两人共同具备的怀旧情感和当代艺术视野,又将他们联系到了一起。于是,2017年他们建立起了 LE STUDIO PIERRE——一个如梦如幻的服饰品牌。

It was a creative love at first sight that brought Tina Pierre & Thomas Bellego together when studying at l’Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne. After various experiences within houses such as Berluti, Carven, Peclers and Chanel, their nostalgic yet contemporary vision brought them together again. As children, they spend most of their time building their own universes and telling stories. Today they revisit their timeless closet like memories. In 2017 they created LE STUDIO PIERRE, a dreamy and solar brand. 


MAISON LENER CORDIER 是一个专注于外套与风衣的法国品牌,创立于2009年。品牌风格优雅而摩登,在数十年家族产业的更新迭代中所带来的丰富而坚实的基础上,添加了基于风尚的无限创意与革新。他们对面料的选择非常严谨,仅选用高质量的羊驼毛、天然羊毛与羊绒,以打造其舒适、温暖而时尚的外套。

MAISON LENER CORDIER is a French Brand expert in coats and Trench founded in 2009. Refined and modern, the brand boldly relies with creativity, on the exceptional know how of the family manufacture which meticulously enriched decades after decades its expertise and archives over three generations, according to the trends and innovations. 

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● 展会时间 

3.28 ~ 3.31 / 10am ~ 6pm 

● 3.28 VIP day

● 地址 ➝ 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2555号 

A馆 H区


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