Ontimeshow 完成了五年的成长,迎来第十一季,新一季 Ontimeshow 将在场馆的属性分布和功能性上再度升级,并在品牌上进一步提升。作为邀请制场馆的B3馆,展位面积在40平米以上,每个受邀品牌都能自由设计展位空间,并享有相对私密的订货环境。我们精选了一系列将创意输出与商业运营平衡得较为成熟的设计师品牌。并对每个品牌逐一深入介绍。女装品牌 MINWU x 5MIN 和 MOONOLOGY 将带来2020SS最新力作。
销售渠道线上:寺库 / Elleshop / 尤为销售渠道线下:wanna select skp北京 / ROUNDROUND南京 / W_WARDROBE北京 / 11Z青岛 / LUNALLENA福州等10+
“⽕热传奇 Chilli Legend”
MINWU x 5MIN 2020SS灵感来自于“吃喝玩乐”四部曲之第三部“喝-⽕热传奇”。吃辣与喝酒已经成为现代社会⼈人们社交的必备技能。夏天挥汗如⾬吃火锅似乎已成为年轻人的饮食文化之一。MINWU x 5MIN提取了火锅文化中的精华,美味而不油腻,香⾟而不呛口,用细腻的手绘插画表达了对于美食和中华文化的热爱。
“与英国插画家Mia Lenthall
MIN WU作为工作室的先锋女装品牌,往往从哲学与艺术的角度出发,结合材质本身的特性和独特的立体裁剪,营造出成长的少女感。MIN WU的设计执着于探索材料本身的美感,最大发挥材料的特性,创造出独一无二只属于材料本身的设计。通过高科技与传统手工的结合去实现心中理想的完美服装。在与材料完美配合的同时加入对于色彩的独特嗅觉,缔造出系列的层次感。MIN WU is an avant-garde womenswear brand; its inspirations come from philosophy and art, and it links the characteristics of the materials with unique three-dimensional tailoring to create the feel of a mature girl. MIN WU’s design is dedicated to exploring the beauty of the material itself, maximizing its characteristics to create a unique design that can only be made by that particular material. Through the combination of technology and traditional handicrafts, it creates the perfect pieces of clothing. Its combinations of materials and unique sense for colors give each collection a layered feeling.
5MIN是设计师Min Wu在熟悉擅长的女装系列之外,将自由情绪和文化表达,通过平面再组合所实现的休闲街头品牌。在经过反复的设计,探索和实验后,以生活中的细小乐趣重组再造为设计灵感的5MIN于2015年初以胶囊系列的形式登陆各大合作的买手店。并以其简单、实穿并富有趣味性的设计受到了大家的推崇和喜爱。通过逐渐增加的国内销售平台以及在伦敦、洛杉矶的游牧商店得到的海外支持,5MIN的版图正在不断扩展。
5MIN is targeting a wide range of generation who enjoying life and willing to spread out their happiness. Anything interesting in daily life can be translate to cute graphic symbol. 5MIN is not selling design or fashion but lifestyle.
成立时间:2017年 / 英国伦敦
价格区间:1500 ~ 4500RMB
销售渠道线下:上海艮上 / 上海Mia Fringe / 深圳MDC / 福州F-I-L / 北京维欧艺术联盟 / 法国Atelier 17等12+
MOONOLOGY 专注于设计及研发高级小牛皮手袋。在巴黎时装周被WWD,WGSN,Bazaar等时尚媒体关注。它诠释的女性优雅而独立,棱角分明且不失圆融。设计融入工业感,以多棱锥几何体为代表性设计,表现当代先锋审美,亦保留经典细节。手袋均采用里外小牛皮包覆,主打高辨识度配色,搭配独特菱格造型18K镀金配件以及纯手工编织几何手柄,于意大利以手工匠人精心制作。标志性花苞形手袋有5种拎法,并引领了圆底水桶包的流行趋势。品牌整体颇具 INSTAGRAM 风格,美观实用有辨识度。
Moonology is a London based women’s accessories brand specializing in premium calfskin bag. During several exposure at Paris fashion week, the brand has been recognised by WWD, WGSN, Bazzar and other well-known fashion media. Influenced by industrial design and geometrics, the brand represents avant-garde aesthetics whilst preserves classical feminine details. It is designed for women who are independent, elegant, strong yet captivating. Each bag was made by calf leather from inside out, elaborated with hand basketry woven handle and 18K gold plated diamond-cut metal parts, hand crafted by experienced artisans at very limited quantity in Italy.
10.10 ~ 10.13 / 10am ~ 9pm
2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai
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