Ontimeshow 旗下的 ROOMROOM 品牌咨询管理公司是一个具有全球国际化视野和中国本地管理经验,以客户需求为中心,兼具Showroom及PR服务专业为时尚品牌在中国市场培育和运营的渠道建设和管理提供一站式服务,打造体验式品牌运营机构。
ROOMROOM Showroom 代理时装品牌的同时致力于传播发展时尚品牌的商业价值。尊重设计创意,帮助设计师专注于设计开发,协助品牌长远稳定地发展。ROOMROOM PR提供时尚、美妆、家居、艺术产业等品牌之公共关系与品牌发展策略及活动举办等服务,开启品牌与目标客群在平面媒体、线上媒体与新媒体平台间的近距离对话。
在即将到来的2019AW展会,ROOMROOM 将带来旗下精挑细选的优质品牌,扫描下方海报中的二维码,即可提前一步进行预约,让各位专业买手先人一步更近距离感受最新流行趋势,高效完成销售目标。
— 品牌概览 —
NICOLE ZHANG 把童年对西方80年代风格的迷恋及成年后对传统东方文化元素的热爱,融入到她挚爱的基本款型设计风格中。打破及重塑传统基本款型的面料运用与裁剪比例,用艺术性的设计细节体现品牌特质。持续研发品牌独有的实验性面料及手工细节,将东方女性身材比例作为裁剪基础,以中性极简的线条来表达女性的性感与不羁。
NICOLE ZHANG integrates childhood nostalgia, 1980s style, and a love for the elements of traditional East Asian culture into her very simple yet much-loved designs. The brand is characterised by the way it breaks and reshapes traditional basic patterns and cuts of fabric, complimented with signature artistic details. The brand continuously explores and develops brand-specific experimental fabrics and handicraft details. It bases its cut on the proportions of Oriental women, with neutral minimalist lines to express women's uninhibited sexuality.
● 成立时间 ➝ 2011年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 900 ~ 8000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ↴
官方微店 / LABELHOOD / 苔藓淘宝店
● 销售渠道线下 ↴
NICOLE ZHANG STUDIO上海 / LABELHOOD Pillar上海 / ROUND ROUND南京 / 苔蘚深圳 / WATER STONE MARKET沈阳 / HUG成都 / 聚合物郑州 / QutieIntoU无锡 / LA PENSÉE宁波 / 名堂深圳
ZHANG YUHAO 从设计伊始便以开放和包容的心态看待世界,用严谨的结构,简洁流畅的剪裁,工艺精良考究的材料来呈现当代且富有韵味的极简主义美学。历史,文学作品,电影,哲学,生活态度都是品牌丰沛的灵感来源,结合传统手工艺与现代工业,选择质料上乘的面料,别出心裁的细节处理为每一季的系列创作不断推陈出新。与此同时,品牌也重视系列作品的沿袭与传承,蚕丝产品作为品牌经典在每一季度中均有呈现,以不同形式的呈现贯穿始终。身处主流且依然保持纯粹潇洒的人,是 ZHANG YUHAO 一直以来致力于呈现的人物刻画,她/他虽然在外人看来充满神秘感,然内心则跳脱灵动,奔放且自由,其衣着也已然成为一种生活与状态的自然选择。
Right from the outset, ZHANG YUHAO holds on open-minded perspective with considerable inclusiveness. With its rigorous structure, simplified and smooth tailoring, and exquisitely crafted materials, ZHANG YUHAO gives full play modernity as well as fascinating aesthetics of minimalism. The brand draws inspiration from every fancy aspect of life, ranging from history, literary works, film, philosophy, and even our values for life. By integrating traditional crafts with modern industry, we are dedicated to selecting the superior fabrics, and elaborately designing every minor detail, so as to bring forth a sense of freshness for each season’s release. On top of that, our brand also values the inheritance of the past glory of previous works. As our brand classics, silk products have been presented all along in every season with various forms. With regard to the portrayal of characters, ZHANG YUHAO has all along been devoted to such a philosophy: to retain a debonair and free style while in the mainstream. In spite of the sense of mystery to the outsiders, deep in her/his heart, there is an unbounded and free will. The brand’s dressing philosophy has already transformed into a natural choice for both life and presence.
● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 8000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ IINC / 苔藓 / JUNSHAN的淘宝店
● 销售渠道线下 ↴
Nn上海 / JUNESHAN温州 / SOWHAT成都 / IINC杭州 / ARRITS牡丹江 / MARCCI HOUSE太原 / 苔藓深圳 / the Q’s杭州 / CARRIE河北
ETHOR 是由设计师 JUN XIANG 和 VERA CHOW 共同成立的女装品牌。EFFORTLESS CHIC 是 ETHOR 的核心理念。以轻松的方式解读对时装的理解。在设计上专注于优雅的廓型,简约的线条以及材质的舒适性,将自我观念融合多元的现代元素结合日常需求投射到作品中,用最纯粹的设计元素展现当下女性独立自由的身体语言。独特而又不张扬。
ETHOR was established in Shanghai by Jun Xiang and Vera Chow in 2017. Holding effortless chic as its core concept, the brand seeks to explore the relationship between people and the garments they wear in everyday life. Each season, ETHOR presents women’s collections that are relaxed, focused on elegant silhouettes, clean lines, and quality materials. It is a collective that combines diversified contemporary elements that suit daily needs, merges old and new, luxurious and austere, thus embodying an independent and free body language of women with the purest design elements. Put simply, it is unique yet understated.
● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ↴
S/S 980~5800 RMB; F/W 1450~7200 RMB
● 销售渠道线下 ↴
XINLELU上海 / SOWHAT成都 / S.N.D青岛 / T.H.E成都 / 聚合物郑州 / BAIFENBAI嘉兴
Marcel Duchamp 曾说过"My Art Is That of Living",秉承这一理念,The Owner 入戏的设计不局限于传统的眼镜样式,更是对空间和时间的理解。它别出一格地运用跨界融合的创新思维,以建筑的元素让眼镜设计遇上结构空间,把简约流畅的线条和充满活力的色彩以非平面化的方式大胆结合,并尝试用手工之美,让眼镜设计与中国制造对话,将科技感和未来感融入每一款匠心之作。
Marcel Duchamp once said: "My Art Is That of Living." Adhering to this idea, THE OWNER’s designs are not limited to the traditional styles of eyewear, but explores different understandings of space and time. It is driven by innovative, global thinking, and is inspired by architectural structures and spaces. It boldly combines simple and smooth lines with dynamic colours, and uses the beauty of handicraft to spark a dialogue about Made in China, and integrates the technology and futurism into every piece.
● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 宁波
● 价格区间 ➝ 1080 ~ 2380RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ↴
官方淘宝 / 寺库 / INNERSECT / ChicPath /蓝掌柜全球购 / LOVEMEHUGME / Newlady Online Boutique
● 销售渠道线下 ↴
THE LEFT IX杭州 / WHO US上海 / 798「东西」北京 / LA PENSÉE宁波 / D2C / I.T等国内外60+(包含:纽约 / 波士顿 / 新加坡 / 雅加达 / 澳大利亚)
● ROOMROOM 展会时间 ➝
3.28 ~ 4.2 / 10am ~ 6pm
● 3.28 VIP day
● 地址 ➝ 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2555号
B1馆 B1-01
Ontimeshow 此次与 British Fashion Council 独家合作,在B3馆带来 Roksanda 与 Peter Pilotto 两大炙手可热的英国设计师品牌,并由 Ontimeshow 旗下的 ROOMROOM 承接 showroom 服务。
3.28 ~ 3.31 / 10am ~ 6pm
● 3.28 VIP day
● 地址 ➝ 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2555号
B3馆 B3-08
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