
2020SS A馆║精选女装指南(上)




不觉中 Ontimeshow 已走过十季,往季展会中,女装一直占据着最大的份额。在第十一季,2020SS 的A馆现场,Ontimeshow 将继续为你呈现一众精彩的独立设计师女装品牌。通过他们遍及全球、跨越文化的灵感采集,从传统手工到成熟工艺的制造,你将获得一份风格定位多元、款式组合丰富但兼具功能性与实穿性市场考量的精选女装指南。我们将分上、下两篇推荐本季女装部分,先为各位带来上篇精选。


SHANG 1 BY SHANG YI 更关注女性由内而外的自然气质、清爽自信、时尚简约,用看似不刻意实则更精心的方式勾勒知性又随性的都会女性印象。黑、白、灰是都会的通俗语言,也是永恒的美学经典。在黑白灰中加入每季的流行色保持一贯的风格与新鲜的巧思。

SHANG 1 BY SHANGYI focuses on natural feminine qualities; the brand is fresh, confident, in vogue, and smart. The clothes have an effortless quality about them, but are put together with the utmost attention to detail, and represent elegant yet casual looks for urban women. Black, white and grey are common urban colours, yet are also eternal aesthetic classics. While keeping the theme of these black, white and grey tones consistent, the brand adds new ideas based on each season’s trends.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 北京
● 价格区间 ➝ 1080 ~ 4880RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 有赞
● 销售渠道线下 
● 展位号 ➝ C07-08


瑞典轻奢时装品牌 VIKTORIACHAN 现已拥有女士高级成衣及婚纱礼服系列。利落的剪裁、北欧系色彩与廓形、极简而又不失女性化的细节是品牌的设计精髓。旨在通过呈现积极的生活方式,让独立优雅的女性们彰显自我。

VIKTORIACHAN is a Swedish luxury fashion brand, embodying a blend of feminine style with modern sophistication to create the perfect office and evening look for the modern professional woman. Established in late 2013, Viktoria Chan creates clothes for a sophisticated and independent woman who seeks to enhance herself through her personal style. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2013年 / 瑞典斯德哥尔摩

● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 5000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 

品牌官网 淘宝官方企业店铺 / 一只独来独往的猫淘宝店

● 销售渠道线下 

上海REVREV / 上海LALUCE / 北京NC SPACE / 无锡R JIE Selected等20+

● 展位号 ➝ A17



The brand SHENSHEN兟甡 is based on the lifestyles of independent women, and thus allows women to dress more casually in their daily lives, while remaining stylish and feminine. Furthermore, the looks allow for women to add more trendy and diverse elements.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 北京

● 价格区间 ➝ 1280 ~ 7000RMB

● 销售渠道线下 

北京竞园艺术中心直营店 福建以类 上海世外 / 宁波T9 / 浙江卡曼等30+

● 展位号 ➝ A13



FLONAKED,Flo为Flower的缩写,英文中意为“花”,设计师用此意指这个世界,在我们看来这个社会就像个万花筒,是给予无数灵感的地方。Naked在英文中意为“裸”,在这里指的是一种真挚于自我的状态,一种忠诚于自己感受的个性表露。FLONAKED 想表达在这个时代,我们要忠于自己,活得漂亮。

In FLONAKED, Flo represents flower. The designer compares the world to a flower, meaning that the ever-changing world is like a kaleidoscope that gives people inspiration. The word “Naked” here refers to a certain kind of ego, a feeling of being loyal to oneself. The true expression of one’s inner personality is a wonderful thing that is pure and free. FLONAKED wants to deliver such a message: Living in this era, we need to be loyal to ourselves, and lead beautiful lives.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2015年 / 深圳

● 价格区间 ➝ 400 ~ 4000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 

淘宝官方店铺 河岸家 / moon概念等共21+

● 销售渠道线下 

北京、上海、成都AnyShopStyle / 南京、沈阳、长春、杭州、厦门D2C / 广州TT.TREND等30+

● 展位号 ➝ A11


SANS NUAGES 法文原意是“没有一片云彩“,引申意为“光明的未来” ,设计理念是在细节中表达情绪。灵感来源于自己的日常生活,所思所感亦或是每天在用的小小物件,都是一些并不复杂高冷的概念。在意面料质感的搭配,力求品质感与设计共存。

SANS NUAGES means "no clouds” in French, which also implies a bright future. The design concept is to express emotions in the details. We draw inspiration from people’s own daily lives, the thoughts and feelings they experience, and the objects they use every day; all concepts that are neither complicated nor unfamiliar. For the fabrics and textures, we strive for the coexistence of quality and design.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2015年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 4500RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 品牌官网等3+
● 销售渠道线下 
衣全球 / 南京RoundRound / 北京Playlounges / 成都so what / 福州MIDMOON等40+
● 展位号 ➝ C09


CHUTZPAH 高级女装品牌由 Yvonne Jiang 和 Mavis Zhang 共同创立,致力于设计品质上乘且独具一格的高级女士时装。CHUTZPAH 大胆而女性化的设计创造出概念的连衣裙、半裙、裤装和外套,明亮的色彩、丰富的印花、创新的结构和独特的面料组合。设计女性化却不媚俗。

China-based designers Yvonne Jiang and Mavis Zhang established the womenswear brand CHUTZPAH in 2018. CHUTZPAH's bold yet feminine womenswear makes conceptual dresses, skirts, pants, and coats with fluorescent colorful stories, digital graphic prints, structural innovations, and unique textural components. In short, the clothes are feminine but not commercial.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 杭州

● 价格区间 ➝ 1099 ~ 5999RMB

● 销售渠道线上 

CHUTZPAH 虎刺怕设计师品牌店淘宝店等12+

● 展位号 ➝ C10


HERCII 禾浠在意大利及中国建立了10人左右的优秀设计师团队。融合意大利极致立裁与超精致面料传达职场个性主张,为亚洲女性打造高奢品质的女装。HERCII 禾浠总能满足你对精致生活的不同需求。

HERCII 禾浠 have formed an excellent design team of 10 experienced designers from both Italy and China. Hercii integrates Italian quality with sophisticated fabrics to elevate the characteristics of professional women. We are devoted to creating fine clothing that fulfills your desire to live a sophisticated life.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2015年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 800 ~ 8000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
微信小程序 HERCII意大利设计师女装
● 销售渠道线下 
上海 HERCII禾浠直营店
● 展位号 ➝ D15


INVIEW’s principles are “Fashion, Design, Culture”. It provides fashion strategy and customised creative services to brands entering Chinese market. It has a wide range of design services; international production resources; brand refinement and optimisation services; explores traditional and modern production processes and advocates a Western style of teamwork to pursue marketing in a new way. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 500 ~ 15000RMB
● 展位号 ➝ D16


COME SE CÓMO 追求的是先锋独立女性精神,宣扬女性最爱的应该是自己,并遵循自己内心的世界,倡导悦己主义。致力于对独立女性个性的表达,始终相信设计能够给予女性力量与自信。品牌风格洒脱独立、自在自信、优雅时尚,旨在营造简约、低调且先锋的氛围。

COME SE CÓMO pursues the spirit of pioneering independent women, declaring that women should love themselves and listen to their inner voice, so that they can live happier lives. The brand is committed to the expression of a woman's individuality, with the belief that good design can give women strength and confidence. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2016年 / 北京

● 价格区间 ➝ 780 ~ 6880RMB

● 销售渠道线下 

北京WANNT / 成都ARRITS / 武汉Design foru / 沈阳LeFIRE / 南京DX等25+

● 展位号 ➝ C11-12

YEUNG CHIN 以挑战公认美学为一贯设计理念,喜爱在不断试验中和失败中寻找新的设计美学。坚信要寻找新的美学首先就是把旧有的美学打破。最直接的方法就是从错误中寻找。在时装领域中,用不同艺术概念去冲击时装。在这种冲击下我寻找到一个新的表现时装的方法。

YEUNG CHIN was invited to New York Fashion Week, the Singapore Design Centre Exhibition, and the Fashion Friday Runway show in 2015.  Yeung Chin’s brand philosophy has always been challenging the accepted aesthetic. To build up a new aesthetic, the old aesthetic must first be broken. The most direct method is by trial and error.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2013年 / 中国香港
● 价格区间 ➝ 680 ~ 8900RMB
● 销售渠道线下 
H406 PMQ central hk等17+
● 展位号 ➝ D17



Sammy has worked as a fashion designer for nearly 16 years. She has designed looks for many movies, TV shows, ballets and other performances. In 2014, she transformed her work into a personal brand - UZOMIN. Sammy's design centres around taking the little things in life and translating them into stitches and cloth. The designs are representative of ordinary life, but you will also feel a clear sense of fashion. You can wear the clothes to greet guests, or wash clothes and cook meals.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 北京

● 价格区间 ➝ 400 ~ 5000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 


● 销售渠道线下 

上海LALUCE / 北京AnyShopStyle / 成都THE / 哈尔滨拾午 / 郑州聚合物等13+

● 展位号 ➝ C14

FRONT ROW SHOP 将永续的缝纫工艺与对每季趋势的解读结合起来,精炼设计,注重细节、前卫,但也不会跳脱日常的实用价值。来自罗马与上海的两地设计师,用国际化的视野与双城本地观点的碰撞,诠释趣味十足的制衣灵感。我们即将入驻意大利、中国香港、韩国、日本等全球多家顶级百货与买手店,并已与YOOX达成合作,品牌将更深入地投入线上与线下、国内与国际同步一体的发展规划。

FRONT ROW SHOP combines sustainable sewing techniques with an interpretation of trends from each season. The designs are refined, with attention to detail, and avant-garde but with touches of functionality. The designers from Rome and Shanghai interpret the different inspirations, allowing for the collision of international and local visions.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2011年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 500 ~ 5000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 品牌官网 YOOX
● 销售渠道线下 
南京RoundRound / 中国香港D-mop / 韩国首尔BoonTheShop / 日本东京Framework / 意大利米兰Rinascente等12+
● 展位号 ➝ C15-16

KANOE 是一个年轻的、独立的品牌。不满是 KANOE 的核心概念。它专注于无限的城市休闲风格和别致的分层纹理,而且融合了男性剪裁方式到女性设计当中。反映了其对女性主义的信念。它诠释了现代简单、优雅、别致女性的形象。

Founded in 2015 by three passionate and creative female designers, KANOE is a young, independent local brand based in Beijing, China. Dissatisfaction is the philosophy of KANOE. It focuses on unbounded urban casual style and chic layering textures. It also combines masculine tailoring into feminine design, which is an interesting contrast but also a reflection of its beliefs in feminism. It interprets an image of modern women who are simple, elegant, and chic.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2015年 / 北京
● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 6000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
官方淘宝店铺 微信商城
● 销售渠道线下 
南京ROUNDROUND / 北京Anyshopstyle / 北京playlounge 成都Anyshopstyle / 上海MS.G等60+
● 展位号 ➝ C17-18


IFAY BY FAYE HSU 品牌秉承在穿搭性极高的基础上,融入时尚个性与经典永恒的多元化风格理念,正如设计师本人主张与擅长运用不同时尚元素与面辅料工艺相结合的理念,打破传统设计思维理念,在中西方文化的重叠交融下,探索新鲜独特自我的设计灵感,发掘现代女性的心声,寻找有趣的设计灵魂。

IFAY BY FAYE HSU is a brand based on wearability, blending diverse fashions and timeless classic concepts. The designer herself has always combined different fashion elements and fabric processes, breaking traditional concepts of design thinking, while at the same time mixing Chinese and Western culture. In this way she explores unique design inspirations and the idea of the modern woman, while in search of interesting designs.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 大连

● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 5000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 


● 销售渠道线下 

大连SOFREE / 北京WANNT selected SKP / 太原WANNT selected / 深圳MR. TOP等9+

● 展位号 ➝ A19-20


“独立 真实 优雅”是品牌希望赋予 FORELE 的理念。坚持用独立原创设计来凸显独立成熟女性优雅的美,希望以 “ 分享 ” “ 精致 ”以及“ 惜物 ” 的理念,倡导对美好生活的向往。

"Finding the reality of elegance" is the concept we hope to imbue our brand with. FORELE adheres to independent original designs to highlight the elegant beauty of mature independent women, and also hopes to use ideas of "sharing", "delicateness" and "cherishing" to advocate for striving for a better life. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2015年 / 武汉

● 价格区间 ➝ 1280 ~ 5260RMB

● 销售渠道线上 

北京MissAS国际时装荟 / D2C官方线上集合店 KAKAYAKI全球GO等15+

● 销售渠道线下 

北京SKP Wannt / 台州Luxury in / 南京德基D2C / 苏州诚品 / 无锡Inpinz等35+

● 展位号 ➝ C02a-b


PEACEOFRICE 是创始人在毕业后一年创造的品牌,这是一个少女性质但或多或少又渗透着一些情趣和暗示的品牌,在未来的每个系列都会围绕女性背后的相关的社会问题作为设计出发点。初步定位在20-28岁喜欢玩味和思考的女性人群。

PEACEOFRICE was started a year after the founder graduated. It has a girlish nature with fun and suggestive elements, and each series in the future will be designed around the relevant social issues surrounding women. The target customers are playful and thoughtful women around 20-28 years old.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 深圳

● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 10000RMB

● 展位号 ➝ C13

112 MOUNTAINYAM 欣赏坚毅不屈、努力向上的都市女性,希望为自强不息、爽朗率直的工作女性创建自信,并活出一个独立和时尚的生活。品牌特别选用  Pantone 112顔色,表达著一种追求活力、自由和勇于探索生活的态度。

112 MOUNTAINYAM appreciates perseverant and hardworking urban women and aims to give independent women more self-confidence with stylish fashion collections. The brand uses Pantone 112 as its brand color, expressing the pursuit of vitality, freedom and courage in living life.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 中国香港
● 价格区间 ➝ 800 ~ 5000RMB
● 销售渠道线下 
112 mountainyam HANDS CONCEPT STORE Hong Kong China
● 展位号 ➝ D01


MEIKING NG 认为生活和经历是所有创造的根源,她经常从记忆深处提取生活中的故事:童年、少年、家庭、友情、爱情等作为灵感,通过时装记录生命中珍贵的时刻、感觉和人物。她倍花精神、力量和时间创造出正反双面穿,一式两款的多元设计,善用内外物料,以纤细柔滑真丝面料制作,形成品牌独有特色和风格。

MEIKING NG believes that life and experience are the foundation of all creativity. She always digs out life stories from deep in her memory: childhood, teenage years, family, friendship & love etc. as inspiration, so that fashion can capture all the precious moments, feelings and people in her life. Every collection indicates a story or a moment from a different stage of life. It is a multi-dimensional diary that records what she always treasures to present a metropolitan lady in capricious and romantic way.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2015年 / 中国香港

● 价格区间 ➝ 880 ~ 3280RMB

● 销售渠道线上 /

● 销售渠道线下 

中国香港九龍尖沙咀直营店 / G67Art上海 / OMRA罗马尼亚 / AQUA SELECTION澳大利亚等13+

● 展位号 ➝ A06

JE SUIS MOI 源自法语,意思为“我是我”,意在使服装变为自我表达的媒介,同时展现外在与内在的自己,发现自身的多变性。JE SUIS MOI 秉独特的设计理念,忌盲目逐流。利落版型、裁剪,及精致的制作工艺将其设计无声融入生活当中。

The brand name JE SUIS MOI is taken from French, meaning “I am me”. It aims to make ordinary clothing a mode of self-expression that shows the outer and inner self, and allows the wearer to discover variability within themselves. JE SUIS MOI has its own unique design philosophy that doesn’t blindly chase trends. Concise style, neat and spiffy tailoring; and exquisite workmanship gently brings its design to life. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 5000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
● 销售渠道线下 
无锡江阴UrbaNature / The Form海口
● 展位号 ➝ A07


CHICCO MAO 受众为现代独立女性,不张扬、不放肆,细细琢磨,慢慢雕刻。她们注重品质,追求与众不同,通过 CHICCO MAO 的服装展现独立自我的着装风格。基于优雅、⾃信 、独⽴的自主精神。设计师毛宝宝将西式裁剪结合东⽅审美,形成 CHICCO MAO 品牌独有的服装表现形式。

CHICCO MAO was founded in Beijing in 2013 by Maobaobao, an independent fashion designer in China. Since 2014, CHICCO MAO has continued to release new collections, which have received wide praise across the industry, including the media. Meanwhile, it has gradually opened sales channels in major cities throughout the country. The main customers of CHICCO MAO are modern independent women. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2013年 / 北京

● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 5000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 ➝ MISS AS淘宝店等30+

● 销售渠道线下 

北京西单老佛爷百货 / 上海老佛爷百货 / 杭州WEEKFUN&CHICCO MAO等50+

● 展位号 ➝ A08-09


陆拾 LIU SHII 每年推出两季成衣系列。决策集中体现在与符合品牌定位的买手制 showroom 合作,以进驻本地主力买手店,同时开发自有线上销售平台。并在品牌起步发展初期,通过与海外买手资源的接洽,寻求品牌在国际市场的潜在发展机会,以涉足国际市场。

陆拾 LIU SHII launches two ready-to-wear collections every year. Their strategy centres around working with buyer-designed showrooms that fit with the brand’s positioning, and at the same time developing its online sales platform. As the brand continues to develop, the brand seeks new opportunities in the international market through contacting overseas buyers.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 北京

● 价格区间 ➝ 500 ~ 4000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 

淘宝官方店铺 微店 / 寺库等12+

● 销售渠道线下 

北京ALGORITHM算法 / 郑州聚合物 / 苏州诚品一尚门等10+

● 展位号 ➝ A10


CHULISHANA 是设计师初李莎娜的同名品牌。设计风格简约、随性,个性鲜明。用粗犷演绎低调内敛,呈现出简约质朴、大拙至美的产品风格。独特的设计风格吸引了众多有自我生活态度的小众群体。

CHULISHANA established her eponymous brand in May 2017. The design style is simple, casual and distinctive. The style is low-key and introverted, and the products are simple and beautiful. Its unique design style attracts many groups who live life how they want to.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 北京

● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 4000RMB

● 销售渠道线上 

淘宝官方店铺 / 尤为WCONCEPT 寺库

● 销售渠道线下 


● 展位号 ➝ A18

XNOU 是来自上海的独立设计师品牌,由设计师刘心舟创立。品牌秉持着坚持女性特点,重于廓形和裁剪的同时结合功能性、运动感和科技感。

XNOU is an independent designer brand from Shanghai, founded by designer Liu Xinzhou in 2018. The brand adheres to feminine characteristics, focusing on shape and tailoring while combining functionality with a sense of movement and technology.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 700 ~ 4000RMB
● 展位号 ➝ A16

✻ 所有品牌排名顺序不分先后


● 展会时间 ↴

10.10 ~ 10.13 / 10am ~ 9pm 


● 地点 ↴


2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai



申请流程 ↴


It's good to be ontime!



