Ontimeshow 2020SS 将在场馆的属性分布和功能性上再度升级,作为邀请制场馆的B1馆,展位面积在40平米以上,每个受邀品牌都能自由设计展位空间,并享有相对私密的订货环境。我们精选了一系列将创意输出与商业运营平衡得较为成熟的设计师品牌。并将对每个品牌逐一深入介绍。

销售渠道线下:上海、北京Lafayette老佛爷 / 北京大悦城 / 南京ROUNDROUND / Arrits连锁店 / 杭州左久间等8+
—— 任茜
REINEREN品牌2020SS灵感来源于Catch me if u want,讲述二战期间,女间谍为了躲避纳粹的追捕,在摩洛哥北部的卡萨布兰卡遇见旧时恋人,爱情在政治和伦理的推波逐流中该走向何方?最后女间谍勇敢果断,放弃了逃亡美国的机会,独自留在了浪漫自由的摩洛哥。故事流露出女性不断追求自由主义与平等的精神,戏剧又浪漫。主题围绕神秘,摩洛哥风情,浪漫与自由所展开。
REINEREN品牌由新锐国际服装设计师任茜女士于2012年创立。通过每季不同的主题故事,让女人从“free spirit”中可以了解做自己才更优雅,同时达到男性与女性的美,定义为“新优雅”—— 优雅曾和非常柔软的东西联系在一起,但是REINEREN却觉得现在的优雅应该变的更硬朗,坚定和激进。REINEREN has been created by the international designer Ms. REN Qian in 2012. By presenting different theme stories of each season, REINEREN let women understand from the “free spirit” that they would be more elegant to be themselves, and at the same time achieved the beauty level of both male and female. REINEREN defined it as the “New Elegance”—Elegance was always related to the very soft stuff, but REINEREN thought that the new elegance should become stronger, more tough and radical.
任茜女士在结束新西兰MASSEY UNIVERSITY的学习后到巴黎ESMOD继续深造。在ESMOD严谨的教学和高标准训练之下,任茜逐渐完善了自己的专业知识结构,形成了自己独立的审美观。凭借着扎实的专业知识和丰富的实习经验,加之经常到世界各地采风,结合多国文化影响与个人理念的融合,REINEREN的独有风格应运而生。
After having finished her MASSEY University study, Ms. REN Qian went to ESMOD Paris to continue her further education in fashion design. With highly professional teaching and training in ESMOD, REN Qian has improved her professional knowledge and discovered her personal sense of aesthetic design. With her theoretical and practical experiences, plus the multi-cultural influence and the incorporation of personal understanding, a unique perception for REINEREN has been produced.
10.10 ~ 10.13 / 10am ~ 9pm
2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai展位导示图(点击放大)↴

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