
2020SS A馆║男装、男女装、生活方式甄选品牌预览




继品牌云集的女装精选指南之后,我们送上本季A馆集合的男装、男女装和生活方式类设计师品牌推荐。男装部分,跟随近几年男性时尚消费力崛起,专注男装的设计师品牌从数量到丰富度都提供更多选择;男女装品牌部分,则在品牌精神及设计开发上进一步提升带来平衡消费群体的品类宽度;而作为亮点之一的精选生活方式品牌, 为任一空间的质感提升打造细节态度。

— 男装 —

LOIN.T 致力于制造适合年轻男孩穿着的兼具趣味和品质的风格成衣。品牌热衷于探索服装带给穿着者的快乐和自信感,在每一件设计中融入幽默感,让每个穿着者,在穿上衣服的过程中首先感受到衣服的品质,然后仔细发现,便能从服装的设计点中感受到来自设计师的幽默感,进而提升生活中的趣味。

LOIN.T specializes in boy’s ready-to-wear fashion. Passionate about bringing happiness and confidence to the wearer, the brand delves into the exploration of incorporating a sense of humor into its designs. Let each wearer first feel the quality of the clothes in the process of putting on that piece of clothing, and then slowly discover the sense of humor from the designer within the design, which makes life that bit more interesting.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 苏州
● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 5000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 品牌淘宝店等2+
● 销售渠道线下 
成都the republique / 苏州 如是
● 展位号 ➝ F16


OWWW 是 Once We Were Warriors 的简写。品牌以跌倒再重新站起来的战士为灵感,带来粗矿纹理和坦率细节的街头男装。生活同样是我们的战场,Once We Were Warriors 每一个系列都保留中立的颜色,加上功能或抢眼的细节来诠释在生活中保留本真却生活在自己的规则里的战士,不让步。

Once We Were Warriors is here for those with the spirit of a fighter. Rectitude, Courage, Compassion, Respect, Honesty, Honor and Loyalty. We bring street inspired menswear with rough textures and outspoken details for those who choose to stand up after getting knocked down. Once We Were Warriors is all about everlasting pieces inspired by a man with an eternal fire and a warrior soul. Every collection is designed to conquer the battle of everyday life while looking the part. We remain true to our pure masculine nature with neutral colors and mixtures of raw fabrics, made into functional and eye-catching comfortable items that feel like a second skin.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 荷兰阿姆斯特丹
● 价格区间 ➝ 399 ~ 3499RMB
● 展位号 ➝ F09

JUN BY YOU 的设计核⼼是都市军装⻛,以硬朗、刚毅的设计元素融合到产品设计当中,而品牌的理念核⼼是想传达⼀种⽣活与时尚的态度,以都市军装⻛格展现出品牌的灵魂特点—硬汉! 传达出灵魂硬汉百折不挠/坚强不屈的性格特点及⽣性爱冒险,爱自由的⽣活态度。

The design of the JUN BY YOU brand can be described as an urban military uniform. It integrates a tough resolute design element into its products, and the brand’s concept is to convey an attitude of living and fashion. The urban uniform shows the brand's soul; that of a tough guy! It also seeks to depict the unyielding character of the hard soul and the active attitude of loving adventure and freedom.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2016年 / 北京
● 价格区间 ➝ 980 ~ 8800RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 品牌天猫店铺等3+
● 销售渠道线下 
北京、成都、上海连卡佛 / 北京、宁波、杭州magmode
● 展位号 ➝ F01


Established in 2016, this cultural and fashion brand uses unique luxury fabrics and exquisite craftsmanship to blend East Asian classics with modern designs. Our brand aims to convey the essence of fashionable culture.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2016年 / 杭州
● 价格区间 ➝ 500 ~ 3000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
品牌官方淘宝店 / 寺库 / 垂衣 / 锦衣盒
● 销售渠道线下 ➝ 北京风格算法
● 展位号 ➝ F12


DEMO 由中国香港时装设计师 Derek Chan 创立。品牌风格打破性别界限,混合男女装的元素,以诗意与哲学创造独有品味。细部的设计,例如手工装饰,刺绣和粗花呢物料,展示男性温柔的一面,塑造新世纪的男孩形象。

DEMO is a fashion label that redefines masculinity and femininity, dismantles gender boundaries, and brings together philosophy and poetry in designs created to defy expectations. Its signature style of soft masculinity is brought to life with handmade embellishments and embroidery, and rich textiles such as tweed.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2013年 / 中国香港
● 价格区间 ➝ 990 ~ 7900RMB
● 销售渠道线下 
中国香港Harvey Nichols / 澳门New Yohan / 广州一尚门 / 北京、成都名堂等6+
● 展位号 ➝ F13

V INDUSTRIES 是原创潮流品牌,中国香港作为全世界建筑物最密集的城市,钢筋混泥土等工业产物充斥于城市的各个角落,V INDUSTRIES 的品牌灵感来源正是工业。设计师JIM糅合工业、街头等元素,Vmade 作为 V INDUSTRIES 旗下最先发售的系列,一经上市便风靡潮流界。

V INDUSTRIES is a original fashion brand. As one of the most densely built cities in the world, industrial products such as reinforced concrete flood every corner of the city. The inspiration behind the V INDUSTRIES brand is industry, and JIM, the designer, combines industrial, street and other elements. Vmade was the first collection in the V INDUSTRIES brand, and immediately became very popular in fashion circles.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2016年 / 中国香港
● 价格区间 ➝ 480 ~ 1980RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
洋气周淘宝店 / 海龟与红翼淘宝店 / 潮流控淘宝店等30+
● 销售渠道线下 
英国Ejder / 日本Stylise / 印尼Level up / 中国香港 巴黎春天 / 广州、苏州一尚门 / 武汉、沈阳YOUNG FOR 24等20+
● 展位号 ➝ F15


MEGA SUEN 是由设计师孙硕创立的男装品牌。MEGA SUEN 以流动,多元的视角重新审视男性形象与男装传统。在尊重传统裁剪技巧,工艺细节与良好品质感的基础上,尝试将更多样的身份与文化认同融入品牌形象与产品设计中,从而探索男性气质更为“自然”的呈现方式,并在这个过程中为更多样的男性身份表达提供可能性。

MEGA SUEN is a menswear brand created by designer Sun Shuo in Beijing in 2016. MEGA SUEN re-examines the male image and the tradition of menswear with a fluid, diverse perspective. Through respecting traditional cutting techniques, craftsmanship and good quality, more identity and culture are integrated into the brand image and product design so as to explore a more “natural” way to manifest gender. The process provides more possibilities for demonstrating male identity.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2016年 / 北京
● 价格区间 ➝ 1000 ~ 5000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 淘宝线上商店
● 展位号 ➝ F17

TRICKCOO 是专注于时尚都市旅行的服饰品牌。品牌追求自然与科技、功能与时尚的多元视角,成功连接了机能与场景化穿着需求。极具功能性的品质面料和结构主义的裁剪,加之时髦而富有趣味的设计,尤其是现代科技感的细节处理,倡导穿衣方式的创新,为追求独特审美的新生代创造探索世界的完美装备。

TRICKCOO focuses on stylish urban travel wear. The design explores multiple angles: the combination of nature and technology, functionality and style, creating a new way of styling, offering the perfect gear for the new generation with a unique aesthetic view for exploring the world.  

● 成立时间 ➝ 2016年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 268 ~ 6800RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
● 销售渠道线下  
上海浦东白玉兰广场直营店 上海连卡佛等20+
● 展位号 ➝ F24

M3.6 品牌创立灵感来自米兰,始于上海。励志于打造 made in china 的中国自主品牌。M3.6 在服装工艺不断创新的同时,潜心注重每一个细节,每一个针脚。品牌旨在揉合实穿主义与时尚美学,化繁为简,以独特的角度对男装进行一种新的诠释。

The spirit of M3.6 originated in Milan and the brand was founded in Shanghai, dedicated to building a brand that is Made in China. While innovating in garment technology, M3.6 pays attention to every detail and stitch. The brand intends to combine pragmatism with fashionable aesthetics, turn complexity into simplicity, and give a completely new interpretation to men’s fashion from its unique perspective.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 580 ~ 1340RMB
● 展位号 ➝ F10

— 男女装 —

NOSENSE 是一个充满色彩活力的年轻设计师品牌,设计师希望通过他玩味设计来表达当下年轻人对生活和时尚的态度。简单的Silhouette与舒适的物料、搭配上趣味的细节设计,让 NOSENSE 的系列实穿且不失时髦感。

NOSENSE is a designer brand that perfectly balances the eccentric and the essential. The designer hopes to express his attitude towards life and fashion through his playful designs. Simple silhouettes and comfortable fabrics with details make NOSENSE's collection wearable without losing the style of high fashion. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 700 ~ 6000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
NOSENSE官方网站 prjct428.com
● 销售渠道线下  
杭州远洋乐堤港直营店 福州 SA+等3+
● 展位号 ➝ F02

创业者吉原信之于1943年成立三阳商会、1946年生产出第一件风衣。受日本著名哲学家柳宗悦名艺运动的影响、以“用之美”作为企业理念。销售的同时要做好售后服务,好的商品是指被很多人使用并且能让人感动开心的东西,以上述两点为基础,三阳商会从一个专业生产风衣的品牌发展成一个综合的服装企业。作为一个拥有70年历史具有日本代表性的风衣品牌,SANYO 以传统与革新成为日本代表的良品。

Ji Yuanxin, an entrepreneur, founded Sanyang Chamber of Commerce in 1943 and produced the first windbreaker in 1946. Influenced by the famous Japanese philosopher Sooetsu Yanagi's famous art movement, "the beauty of use" is taken as the brand’s concept. "Do a good job of after-sales service while selling." "Good things are used by many people and can make people happy." Based on the above two points, Sanyang Chamber of Commerce has developed from a professional windbreaker brand into a comprehensive garment enterprise. As a typical Japanese windbreaker brand with 70 years of history, "SANYO" is characterized by "tradition and innovation", "Japanese representation" and "fine products".

● 成立时间 ➝ 1943年 / 日本东京
● 价格区间 ➝ 2000 ~ 4000RMB
● 销售渠道线下 ➝ 品牌日本直营店 
● 展位号 ➝ F03

SENSE FILE 以一个观察者的身份来记录生活。放大对日常生活的各种感受,嗅觉、听觉、视觉、触觉。塑造一个充满艺术感和想象力的无性别服装品牌。以独特的视角、玩味的设计方式,复古学院的精神内核,来表达过去、当下、未来的日常年轻人的生活态度。敢于想象、乐于创造、自信独立、执着记录,新时代少年感复古。感光档案,就是95后对于新时代生活轨迹的回忆录。

SENSE FILE records life as an observer. Enlarge all the sensory perceptions in daily life, such as smell, hearing, sight and touch. Using the senses, create a gender-free clothing brand full of artistic sense and imagination. With a unique perspective, playful design methods, and the spirit of the retro-classical school, the brand at its core expresses the daily attitude of young people in the past, present and future. Dare to imagine, be willing to create, have self-confidence, be independent, persistently record, and don’t be too reliant on the past. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2018年 / 杭州
● 价格区间 ➝ 480 ~ 4290RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
● 销售渠道线下  
苏州九集仓 舟山TBC 杭州HAUSIE等15+
● 展位号 ➝ F04-06

旅行应与生活并行,但现实生活中人们却被过多的限制束缚;WEAVISM 織本主義致力简化旅途中的装备,以「需求」为设计的初衷。藉由探索世界激发出灵感,并注入每件单品中;让旅行成为一种态度,而品牌透过细节传递。企图模糊城市与户外定义,建构一个为旅人而生的衣柜。

Exploration should be in sync with our daily living. Going on a trip should be a liberation to the soul, but nowadays, travelers spend too much time planning and packing. We want to recreate the essentials so that they can alleviate this process, aiming to build a capsule wardrobe to cover your 24/7 travel needs. Our passion lies in embedding distinctive attributes into our designs while connecting our products to their urban roots. We only want to create what’s necessary, because the world doesn’t need more, it needs less.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 中国台湾
● 价格区间 ➝ 100 ~ 800RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
品牌官网 / pinkoi.com / zalora.com.tw等6+
● 销售渠道线下  
中国台北直营店 / 西門诚品直营店 / 中国台北AXES诚品生活松菸店 / 日本ADDICTION FUKUOKA等10+
● 展位号 ➝ F07

MEGATRENDS 译作大趋势,创作理念脱胎于普罗泰戈拉的理论:“人是定义万物的尺度”。人们对喜欢东西的追随即成为趋势,每一个人都有可能成为趋势的创造者。MEGATRENDS的设计灵感会来自于自己和朋友们的衣柜,无数个有个性的灵魂会逐渐构建品牌的完整。

MEGATRENDS was founded at the beginning of 2017 because two friends wanted to create something together, the two friends being founder and designer, Huang Jie Ping as well as the chief operating officer, Zhang Xin Cheng. The inspiration behind MEGATRENDS came from one of Protagoras’ famous quotes, ‘Man is the measure of all things.’ Major trends these days are decided by us, the people, which also makes everybody is a creator of more and more emerging trends. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 500 ~ 3000RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 品牌淘宝店 / 寺库
● 销售渠道线下  
南京joymarket / 沈阳、武汉、哈尔滨、长春YF24 / 广州project crossover等20+
● 展位号 ➝ F19-20


身为瑞典时尚家族 Wallmanssons 运营的品牌,SVEA 由设计师Kiki (同时也是家族领导者)创立。由于其他联合创始人因故放弃股份,自2000年起Wallmanssons 家族成为公司的唯一所有者。SVEA 从一开始就是一门家族生意,所有家庭成员以不同方式参与其中。如今这家公司已经由家族中的年轻一代接手运营。

A Swedish clothing brand run by a fashion family, the Wallmanssons, was founded in 1998 by the designer Kiki, who was also the head of the family. Since 2000 the family has been the sole owner of the company, as the other founders were forced to sell their shares. SVEA has, since the beginning, been a family-based business in which all members have been involved in different ways. The operation of the company has now been passed on to the younger generation of the family.

● 成立时间 ➝ 1998年 / 瑞典
● 价格区间 ➝ 65 ~ 500USD
● 销售渠道线上 
Nelly.com / Boozt.com junkyard.com ellos.com
● 销售渠道线下  
No.21 Båstad N/ Wakkau Caliroots等6+
● 展位号 ➝ F08

随着主线 YOHANIX 在中国市场的深入,我们的年轻副线 BLACX 将全面进入中国的每一个角落。BLACX 每一个系列的灵感源于社会、生活。敢于质疑,敢于立言,表达出最真实的想法。

YOHANIX believes fashion is from the street; something you love to put on and feel good about it throughout the day. As the second collection of YOHANIX, BLACX comes out with its unique ideas and slogan, blended with YOHANIX’s signature details.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 韩国首尔
● 价格区间 ➝ 200 ~ 1600RMB
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ wconcept.cn
● 销售渠道线下  
成都SOWHAT / 天津HALU / 广州一尚门 / 重庆DWSTUDIO / 中国台湾DWSTUDIO等45+
● 展位号 ➝ F18

— 生活方式 —


艺术香氛品牌 COSMIC SPECULATION,以浩瀚无边的神秘宇宙为概念,打造全新理念香氛产品。品牌以著名印象建筑大师 Charles Jencks 1990年建造的私家花园为灵感,将概念化的宇宙具象化成一系列各具特色的香氛产品。它将对艺术、建筑和自然的思考融入到调香之中,蕴含着浩瀚的世界观,让人踏上自我探索与发现之旅,崇尚发现精神自由,以及和谐自然的生活态度。

The artistic fragrance brand Cosmic Speculation is inspired by the vastness of the universe and the private garden of architectural icon Charles Jencks, and was established in 1990. Our brand has always aimed to transform the abstractness of the cosmos into a series of distinctive fragrance products for the body and home. The brand takes a holistic approach of considering art, architecture, and nature when developing its scents and advocates people’s self-exploration, spiritual freedom, and an attitude that is harmonious with the natural world.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2017年 / 上海
● 价格区间 ➝ 128 ~ 520RMB
● 销售渠道线上 
品牌天猫店铺 / 品牌官方网站
● 销售渠道线下  
上海HOW美术馆 / 上海look等10+
● 展位号 ➝ B15

BATHE TO BASICS 的愿景是带来一个回归基本的空间,工作室位于中国香港偏离市区的新界郊野,品牌选择用双手以传统方法来制作每件产品,花时却用心。简单就是最好,大自然其实已经准备了最好的原料,BATHE TO BASICS 加以利用,以小批量製作出产自中国香港的纯天然有机产品,没有多馀的包装及装饰,相反把专注力放在制作过程与品质,务求把来自天然的材料发挥它最好的功效。

BATHE TO BASICS is a premium handmade and organic skincare, bath and body brand based in Hong Kong, China. We are committed to formulating and creating products that benefit your skin in countless ways – from healing to rejuvenating, moisturizing, refreshing, and clearing. 

● 成立时间 ➝ 2011年 / 中国香港
● 价格区间 ➝ 100 ~ 500EUR
● 销售渠道线上 ➝ 品牌官方网站
● 销售渠道线下  
中国香港中环直营店 / 中国香港Organic We / 中国香港K11 - ro / 等6+
● 展位号 ➝ E25

DANHERA Italy 启发自经典神话故事中的两大迷人要素:美丽与权利,而象征此形象的角色,正是希腊女神赫拉(Hera)。结合了创办人的名字:丹妮拉(Daniela),以及其专业而美丽的都会女性形象,与超过三十年的香氛领域经验,DANHERA Italy 居家香氛品牌,就此诞生。

DANHERA Italy is inspired by two fascinating elements of Classical Mythology: beauty and rights, and the character that symbolizes this is the Greek goddess Hera. Combining this with the founder's name (Daniela), the image of professional and beautiful urban women, and over 30 years of experience in the field of fragrance, the home fragrance brand DANHERA Italy was born.

● 成立时间 ➝ 2014年 / 意大利
● 价格区间 ➝ 500 ~ 4000RMB
● 销售渠道线下  
锦州 世都 / 辽阳 红夫人等10+
● 展位号 ➝ E38

✻ 所有品牌排名顺序不分先后


● 展会时间 

10.10 ~ 10.13 / 10am ~ 9pm 

● 10.10 MEDIA & VIP DAY

● 地点 


2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai



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