ROOMROOM Showroom 是一个具有全球国际化视野和中国本地管理经验的体验式品牌运营机构,代理时装品牌的同时,致力于传播发展时尚品牌的商业价值。尊重设计创意,帮助设计师专注于设计开发,协助品牌长远稳定地发展。ROOMROOM 正式开启全新平台分享,创造更贴近设计师品牌的对话和内容。在这里,你将得到对品牌深入的了解及互动,实现无限界的沟通。
ETHOR is a light luxury womenswear brand established by designers JUN XIANG and VERA CHOW. During times of constant change, ETHOR aims to focus most on women’s experience of dressing, and links this with ideas that have continuity. The brand focuses on creating elegant lines with clean cuts to show the quality of the fabrics and craftsmanship. Instead of aiming to give consumers instant gratification, ETHOR prefers to focus on the wearability and durability of each item. It is unique but not ostentatious, and reflects the multi-faceted, free, and brave spirits of modern women.
极具先锋派⻛格的 HAIZHEN WANG 被认为是缔造了现代主义的优雅。它集合了前沿设计理念、创新思想,独特面料、质感,传统工艺技术,精益求精的细节,以及对于穿着合身度、适用度的兼顾,将古典美感融入于现代设计中,可谓先锋创意艺术和实用主义的完美结合。在浪漫优雅的廓形中融入冷峻硬朗的视觉造型, 应用出色的立体剪裁和精湛的工艺技术将刚柔并济,巧妙达到完美平衡。这两种元素的结合和对比,充分表现了设计师每一次的灵感火花,成为品牌最大的⻛格亮点,而对于创新设计和完美品质的不断追求,是 HAIZHEN WANG 永恒不变的态度和坚持,亦是品牌最大的核心价值。
The pioneer HAIZHEN WANG is known for creating elegance in Modernism. He combines cutting-edge design concepts, innovative ideas, unique fabrics and textures, traditional craftsmanship, and attention to detail, all while ensuring his clothes remain wearable. He integrates classical aesthetics into modern design to make a perfect combination of avant-garde creativity and pragmatism. He skilfully achieves a balance between the elegant outlines and the cold, hard aesthetics by applying three-dimensional cutting and exquisite technology that at once manages to be both rigid and soft. The constant pursuit of innovation in design and perfection in quality is, and will forever be, the core value of the brand.
JUNLI 是设计师 Jun Li 在2014年创立于伦敦的同名设计师品牌,以静谧的观察者为⻆度传达其沉稳而锐利的设计语 言。设计灵感均来源于对艺术,生活以及对哲学的深度思考,从独到的观点映射出完整的设计概念。设计师坚 持“以衣为本”的匠心精神,将优质的面料和精巧的剪裁相结合。在特定时间段或者标签的定义之外,赋予衣着新 的认知。
JUNLI founded his eponymous brand in London in 2014. He takes the position of a silent observer, and through his brand expresses his calm and sharp design language. His design inspiration comes from deep reflections on art, life and philosophy, which map out to become a holistic design concept stemming from a unique point of view. He adheres to a "clothes first" spirit that values ingenuity, high-quality fabrics, and exquisite tailoring. He creates a new understanding of clothing that is not defined by a particular time or label.
SANKUANZ 成立于2013年,关注并解构当代青年⽂化,借由时装创作提出对于未来社会的假想。⾼科技的近期未来,是其独特世界观图景的持续来源。SANKUANZ 的时装作品具有深度融合的特征,不同类型的服装被重组后以制服的形态展示出来,展现出强硬内核的集体主义风貌。材料创新与作品中的符号系统也是其另⼀显著特征。
The menswear brand SANKUANZ was founded in 2013 by the designer Shangguan Zhe. SANKUANZ pays attention to and deconstructs the cultural outlook of contemporary Chinese youth, and presents his vision of future Chinese society through high fashion. His unique worldview is most influenced by an image of a high-tech near-future where society and technological innovation interact and evolve. SANKUANZ's work is deeply integrated, and this is illustrated in his ability to re-arrange varying types of clothing as one group such that they appear like uniforms. Innovation with materials and the use of symbols on his clothing are another trademark.
THE OWNER成立于2014年,Marcel Duchamp once said:“My Art Is That Of Living.” 秉承这一理念, THE OWNER 不局限于传统的样式,把简约流畅的线条和充满活力的色彩进行大胆的结合。在时尚界, 别出一格地运用跨界融合的创新思维,对建筑独特的爱好,对高级有趣⻛格的坚持,只为给平凡生活中 的你增添一丝设计的趣味!
Marcel Duchamp once said: "My Art is that of Living." The OWNER was founded in 2014, and adheres to this concept. The OWNER is not limited to traditional styles, and its simple, smooth lines, and vibrant colors make for a bold combination. Using unique cross-disciplinary design thinking stemming from the designer’s interest in architecture and pursuit of high quality, The OWNER will add a touch of design to your life!
ZHANG YUHAO 从设计伊始便以开放和包容的心态看待世界,用严谨的结构,简洁流畅的剪裁,工艺精良考究的材料来呈现当代且富有韵味的极简主义美学。历史,文学作品,电影,哲学,生活态度都是品牌丰沛的灵感来源,结合传统手工艺与现代工业,选择上乘面料,别出心裁的细节处理为每一季的系列创作不断推陈出新。与此同时,品牌也重视系列作品的沿袭与传承,蚕丝产品作为品牌经典在每一季度中均有呈现,以不同形式的呈现贯穿始终。
From the very beginning of the design process, ZHANG YUHAO looks at the world with an open and inclusive mind. The brand presents contemporary and charming minimalist aesthetics with rigorous structure, smooth tailoring, and exquisite materials. The brand incorporates new ideas into each collection, but also attaches great importance to continuity: silk pieces are a trademark of the brand, and are included in every collection. ZHANG YUHAO is devoted to creating an image of a person who seems mysterious to outsiders, but is filled with inspiration, boldness and freedom, and whose clothes have evolved into an extension of their being.
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